Are you aligned?
The December 21st conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn will take place in the constellation of Capricorn, not Aquarius.
Western astrology says that these planets are currently in earth. Look up and use a sky app! They are in the fire of Sagittarius. And when the conjunction takes place, they will move into the earth of Capricorn rather than the air of Aquarius.
Earth rather than air. This is an important distinction, just as key as recognizing where our skies are truly aligned to.
This is because to overthrow and shake up the old system enough to dismantle it, you have to get down to the ROOTS. You have to dig within the EARTH and PULL it out.
When Jupiter overthrows Capricorn as Zeus overthrowing Kronos, when the lightning storm shakes up the ground below, when the people rise against the oppression to who they are within and stand up for humanity, this is us digging up the old paradigm and tossing it out. It doesn’t serve the collective anymore. That time is done.
We are here to cultivate a new world, a new community. And this is done with the Earth first, because that is where you first plant the seed.
Capricorn offers us the opportunity to build a foundation after rooting out the old. This all takes place within the soil, the earth. Mother Nature knows this and shows us this everywhere.
It takes the youth to overthrow the old because the youth seas the extent of damage as it is so vulnerable. And it takes the vulnerable to change because it has the courage to show what everyone else is afraid to. It takes the child to overthrow the parent because the child has not yet been conditioned. The child maintains the pure connection with Source. The child is the blessing.
#Skystrology recognizes alignment with where the skies have shifted. I encourage you to align, to reconnect, and to open your eyes to the skies with the wonder and power of Skystrology. Align with the energies.
We are in the dawning.